In this Episode: This week our three goddam puss-faced pimp sticks review the buddy cop classic: Dragnet! I mean it's got Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd fer chrissakes! Tune in you miserable bags of puke..!
In this Episode: Our Heroes discuss the comedy classic The Three Amigos! Does it hold up? Does little Neddie Nederlander win the Mexican standoff??? Tune in to find out...
In this Episode: Our Heroes bust out the Nic Cage Halloween spectacular Mandy! This one is a great old school horror fantasy flick with amazing visuals and soundtrack. It's worthy of the crown for the EBD Halloween Spectacular. Tune in...
In this Episode: Our Heroes watch Stallone's new superhero movie so you don't have to! Tune in while we kinda talk about it and also go off on a TON of random cul-de-sacs about Devil Sticks and Chad's Grandma's telephone... It's a good-un'
In this Episode: Our Heroes are discussing the Miyazaki masterpiece Howl's Moving Castle. This one is a twofer but we made sure to talk shit about Kev when he wasn't there..!
In this Episode: Our Heroes are hanging out with Bjork for the Viking extravaganza The Northman! Come see one of the Skarsgårdiest of Skarsgårds get swole and kill some mofos with sixteen headbutts. This one is a doozy, tune in...
In this Episode: Our Heroes are covering the hors d'oeuvres to the old school TV show CHIPS. This is a Twofer as Sealab is away. This blurb is also written by Sealab who didn't watch the movie so has no idea what it's about. I bet the show is fucking amazing tho!!! Tune in...
In this Episode: Our Heroes defend the neckbeard hated Thor Love and Thunder. Come, join us as we discuss the utter piss-take of Marvel and Disney. All wrapped up in a weird New Zealander's sense of humor. It's a good'un! Tune in...
In this Episode: Our Heroes are talking WWII in this Twofer Hawat show. This week it's Greyhound starring Tom Hanks and the new sheriff from Stranger Things..! Tune in for some Naval gazing... get it..!?
In this Episode: Our Heroes watch a movie from the legendary talent that is Steven Segall..! This one is way worse that you'd ever think it would be... But we do talk about Jamaican pizza for a while. So, there's that! Tune in...
In this Episode: Our Heroes want to play a game! It's Global Thermonuclear War this week on the show. Come for the tween romance and stay for the Defcon 1 Texarkana Hillbilly General dude... Tune in!