In this Episode: This week our three goddam puss-faced pimp sticks review the buddy cop classic: Dragnet! I mean it's got Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd fer chrissakes! Tune in you miserable bags of puke..!
In this Episode: Our Heroes discuss the legendary 80s blockbuster Ghostbusters! This one is looooong overdue. It's just as good as you'd expect. Tune in for a great chat about a great flick!
In this Episode: Our Heroes discuss the Connery classic: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade! This is truly a great flick! A throwback to a bygone era of buckles that were swashed and (Nazi) damsels that were kissed. Tune in for a good ol' reminisce..!
In this episode: Our Heroes and guest Umba the Street Taco discuss the 1987 film "Near Dark," covering its 80s vibe, goth appeal, standout performances, soundtrack, Catherine Bigelow's direction, and James Cameron's influence. Ending with thoughts on its cult status and potential as a franchise.
In this episode: Our heroes tackle the 1986 film "Short Circuit," diving into its quirky charm, AI quirks, and a dash of cringeworthy stereotypes. They laugh, cry, and applaud Fisher Stevens' oddly dedicated portrayal amidst the nerdy chaos.
In this Episode: Our Heroes convene with their Ancient Alien overlords to review Stargate. This one is a throwback and a half! Kurt Russell, as Col. Asshat. James Spader as Dr. Bleep Bloop... I mean, what's not to love! Tune in..!
In this Episode: Our Heroes discuss Kev's doctoral thesis on Mortal Kombat... This one is a reboot of sorts on the MK franchise of films (and it's not half bad!) Tune in..!
In this Episode: Our Heroes discuss the early 90s Keanu classic: Point Break..! Is this one as shallow as a muddy puddle? Or is it a religious experience!? Tune in to see how well it holds up.
In this Episode: Our Heroes wrap themselves in a snuggie and watch the 80s comedy classic: Roxanne! This one is comfort food of the best kind. Join us as we throwback to the best era in comedy.
In this Episode: Our Heroes celebrate 250 episodes with the 90s classic Army of Darkness. This one was a ton of fun to revisit. Thanks for sticking with us! We love you all!