In this Episode: This week our three goddam puss-faced pimp sticks review the buddy cop classic: Dragnet! I mean it's got Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd fer chrissakes! Tune in you miserable bags of puke..!
In this Episode: Our Heroes discuss the hit 90s shit-show Natural Born Killers. We also drift into s supergroup that includes Salt Bae and Techno Viking... Tune in!
In this Episode: Our Heroes hang out at Sealab’s house with Tom Selleck. His magnum opus Quigley Down Under is a masterpiece of cinema. Is it better than The Godfather? Maybe. Is it better than the new Star Wars movies? Certainly! Tune in for this delicious conversation about Steak and Moustaches™
In this Episode: Our Heroes are going... Back to School..! We're checking out this 80s comedy classic to see just how woke it was! Hint: It's a boobie movie 😂
In this Episode: Our Heroes discuss the legendary Aliens, starring Bill Paxton, Bill Paxton, Bill Paxton and introducing: Bill Paxton (co starring Sigourney Weaver). Tune in to find out if we nuke it from orbit or if we just put her in charge..!
In this Episode: Our Heroes discuss the Pirates versus Firemen versus Gangsta classic: Trespass. Starring Ice T, Ice Cube, Ice Paxton, and Ice cold Death from Bill & Ted. This one is an ensemble cast for the EBD ages. Tune in...
In this Episode: Our Heroes Discuss the hidden gem Brick by the dude that made that crappy Star Wars movie... You don't want to miss Brick chief. It's fucking great! Tune in...
In this Episode: Our Heroes are celebrating Brucemas in style with Bruno's movie debut: Blind Date. This one is a weird 80s comedy that was well worth the watch. Merry Brucemas y'all!
In this Episode: Our Heroes finally talk about a Star Wars movie... It's the ever controversial Solo this week on the showlo. Does it hold a candle to the rest of the turds in the recent Star Wars punchbowl? Tune in to find out...