In this Episode: Our Heroes discuss a late 80s pizza murder comedy movie picked by Jar Heego. This one has Kevin Kline, Keanu, Tracey Ullman, and River Phoenix. Find out if it's worth a watch..!
134: Raiders of the Lost Ark
133: Only the Strong (Ba-na-na-wayyyyy)
In this Episode: Our Heroes go all the Ba-na-na-way with this 90s masterpiece - Only the Strong....... Does this infomercial for capoeira hold up? And by hold up I mean handstand flip up? Sealab sure thinks so. The others? Not so much... Tune in for this long lost Jean Claude Van Damme film starring Antonio Banderas.
132: Starsky and Hutch
131: Dune
130: V for Vendetta
129: Snatch (with the Stallones!)
In this Episode: Our Heroes tag team the 00s disasterpiece Snatch. We totally thought this one would hold up... But alas... it did not... Tune in for hijinks and special guests The Rolling Stallones! Come for the British thugs and stay for Nick Marvelous throwing Robert Redford down a flight of stairs..!