In this Episode: Our Heroes gather ‘round the campfire to discuss some great short film in the Sci-fi genre. Naturally, a callback to the legendary Animatrix is in order! Also, two adaptations from very prominent authors John Scalzi and Alastair Reynolds. The episode is rounded out with a sprinkling of a Neill Blomkamp love fest (Jar Heego abstains…) Tune in…
28: The Fifth Element Multi-Pass Throwback Review
27: Raw Deal - Arnie Throwback Review
26: Tombstone - Throwback Review
In this Episode: Our Heroes Throwback to the classic Western: Tombstone..! Find out who really directed the film (hint - it was Sam Elliot's mustache). The gang go to town on this fantastic piece of cinema, and throw in a chat about Wyatt Earp to boot! Tune in this week on In This Episode Everybody Dies...
25: Neill Blomkamp - Director
24: Joker Review (why so serious?)
23: Apocalypse Now - Final Cut
20: Escape from New York - Throwback Review
15: Spider-Man, Far from Home vs. Into the Spider-Verse
14: Wicked - Review of John Wick 1, 2, and 3
In this Episode: Our Heroes thrash it out over the John Wick Trilogy. The action, the suspense, the weird blood coin things. Nothing is off limits in this no-holds-barred brawl in a giant glass room.
Also, Is there a secret John Wick film that the Mainstream Media doesn't want you to know about? Tune in and find out...