
8: Prospect Movie Review - New indie sci-fi

8: Prospect Movie Review - New indie sci-fi

In this episode: Our heroes discuss and review the 2018 Sci Fi indie film - Prospect. This little gem is very much worth a watch! Topics include - the state of blockbusters vs. indie film budgets, the huge amount of background that the creators established in creating the universe, the fantastic lead actor Sophie Thatcher, and a perfect score.

This is definitely one that you don’t want to miss.

1: Blade Runner 2049 Review

1: Blade Runner 2049 Review

In this episode: Our heroes discuss and review the Sci Fi blockbuster movie - Blade Runner 2049. They dig deep into nerd culture and discover that it’s the exact opposite of the original Blade Runner… Then throw in a good rant about the worst bit in the film, Will Smith, and Vangelis, and you’ve got yourself a show!

Also: The use of CG to reanimate the corpses of 80s heroines. How it compares to the book. The fantastic cinematography, characters, sets…