
Do you love The Fifth Element as much as we do?!

Mooooltipass… in this episode we cover:

  • Why Gary Oldman hates this movie

  • How Ragnarok and Guardians of the Galaxy are distant cousins of this film

  • Why Milla Jovovich is Keanu’s spirit animal

  • What 5 artists defined the look of all modern Sci Fi

  • How the Vito Cornelius invented the poop emoji

  • Can a movie like this ever be made again?

Have a laugh and listen to our podcast for free!

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Episode 28 – The Fifth Element


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About the show

Podcast episodes are about an hour long and focus on topics like:

  • What you can’t miss in Movies and TV

  • ‘So bad they’re good’ classics and Throwbacks

  • Conversations about current nerdy events and pop culture

The Intrepid Hosts

Our Heroes have over 100 years of combined geekery and movie watching experience. This unparalleled knowledge allows for maximum shenanigans and deep dives on your favorite topics.


Our podcast page and list of episodes for Apple devices

Our podcast page and list of episodes for Android devices (Samsung, LG, HTC, etc...)
